Hannah and Dusty’s Mid-Century Inspired Rural Vermont Wedding Weekend at Fable Farm in Barnard, Vermont

Thank you thank you to long-time friend and mega-talented photographer John Tully, who worked alongside me for Hannah and Dusty’s wedding on Saturday- many of these images are his

The blog post you’re reading right now is lovingly cradled by a website designed by Hannah and Dustin of Studio Bookmark, who spent the winter guiding me through the transformative process of a total rebrand. Throughout the journey, including helping renaming my business, creating the logo (that I gasped out loud when I first saw), and creating a portfolio viewing experience like no other photographer I’ve seen, Hannah and Dusty understood my soul and used their many gifts to bring it to my viewers.

As part two of our year-long collaboration, I had the honor of photographing their wedding this past weekend all around the best parts of Barnard. Not only was it (no surprise) a visual treat, from the handmade banners, menus, and drawings sprinkled throughout the celebration to Hannah’s dress, which her grandmother wore for her own wedding in the 1950’s, it was an opportunity to finally meet the people I had forged a creative partnership, and solidify our friendship from Zoom meetings to big, real hugs.

Hannah grew up in Vermont, and wanted her Texas friends and Dustin’s family to be surrounded in the magic that is the Green Mountain State. After a mostly rainy summer, the weekend delivered, bringing dramatic clouds and beams of sunlight as they treated their guests to dinner at Cloudland Farm and drinks at Babe’s Bar on Friday, took a moment of quiet at the little white church in Barnard for their ceremony, ate, drank and danced among the apple trees at Fable Farm, and ended the weekend with brunch and a dip in Silver Lake. I loved getting to know their favorite people and see many experience Vermont for the first time.


Ellie and Charles’ Groovy Camp-Style Wedding at Lareau Farm in Waitsfield, Vermont


Alyssa and Sam’s Etherial Forest Wedding at the Inn at Weathersfield in Perkinsville, Vermont